Control Treatment for Common Ants
The control of ants is made difficult by their developed social organization of their nests in places where it is easy to gain access. However, a systematic form of treatment will be carried out of all known & possible areas where ants breed and harbour, especially in canteens & office areas. The insecticide used has a good knockdown effect & lasting residual properties.
It's commonly divided into 3 categories
- American roaches
- Oriental roaches
- German roaches
Roaches represent one of the most serious risks to public health because they spread diseases which contribute to food poisoning. They present a problem in food stores, restaurants, catering establishments, home living’s kitchens & drains & sewage outlets.
Control Treatment for Roaches
Roaches are controlled by thorough spraying of their harbourage areas, breeding grounds & runways with residual insecticide. Sensitive areas such as toilets, gulley traps and sewage manholes are harbourage areas where they breed by the thousands. Application of chemical concentration with strong residual activity will be the only effective way to deal with there breed of pests.
Common characteristics of different species of mosquito. They breed close to dwelling houses in urban & rural areas, mainly in muddy waters, ponds & stagnant waters to lay eggs. Most species hide during the day and do not become active until dusk and during the night. They are not only nuisances they are especially dangerous as vectors of many diseases.
Control Treatment - Fogging Treatment
A good knockdown fogging solution as used to fog the surrounding areas and
other necessary areas where fogging is found essential for the control of mosquitoes and flying vectors. However. There is no residual effect and
it does not prevent other mosquitoes from the neighbouring surrounding
areas to fly in and breed in the premise.
Control Treatment - Larvacide Treatment
Control of larvae with liquid, dust or granular formulations of insecticides can be accomplished in a simple and technically uncomplicated manner using hand sprayers or dusters (manually).
Lizards are a nusiance as their dropping stain pictures, walls &
House Flies
House Flies. They spread about 105 different kind of germs and
bacteria.Controlled by chemical residual spraying.
Birds. The common birds that cause nusiance are crows & pigeons. They are
known carry or transmit such diseases ashistoplasmosis,
pseudo-tuberculosis, salmonella fooding poisoning & etc.